Why is self care so hard for women?

Why is self care so hard for women? Alright men don't go running when you see this title because as important as it is for women to know how to have self care, you as boyfriends, husbands, brothers, fathers, grandfathers need to know how to support the women in your lives. I am just as guilty as other women when it comes to self care. I was first alerted of this when I stepped into the biggest job of my life. In that moment of my life I accepted a job while on maternity leave to take over being an Associate Dean of over 20 business colleges. No problem! I thought sure, I had a 2 year old and newborn, but it was remote so yeah, of course I can do this. Things started off with a downward spiral, not because of me, but because of the boss. No matter what I did, I was told daily I was worthless and I'd be fired soon. When I did my eight week checkup before I started this job I was super healthy recovering form a C-section. I went in 6 months later for a checkup and my ...