Forgiveness, it seems to be in short supply lately. And don’t get me wrong I have definitely been an offender of not wanting to forgive and wanting to see the person who hurt me hurt. That was the young Julie. But I have gotten older my perspective has changed as I had to realize where people were at in their life, how their upbringing and experiences could make them the way they are. But as I have watched our country and the people within our country over the last couple years look like it is imploding with people who hate each other and just want to see each other hurt and can’t forgive and move forward. It saddens me; it drains our people, our country our nation. Today I was very much reminded of this as I dealt with a business situation. Business can be messy people is just can. There will always be something that goes wrong you can't be perfect even if your customers want you to, and for me this weekend I just happened to be out of town, and one of my employees screwed up royally, and there are people you can do this too, and they will accept your apology and move forward, and then there are the people who want to crucify you for your mistake. Sadly this was the second. I apologized to the client waved all fees, so no payment happened I offered all the services for free for their next event. Everything I could possibly do except send on over a piece of flesh. But that seems not to be enough. It reminded me that whoever hurt you, whatever business has done you wrong, they are still people. I care deeply for my clients and for my business. This is 18 years of blood sweat and definitely tears as I built this company. People say its just business don’t take it personally but dang it I do cause this business is personal me. And I watched the last couple years as a business were destroyed for having a different opinion of someone and they were taken to court with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cost as they lost their homes, their lives were ruined, and business lost. I brings me to the conclusion how willing are you to destroy someone for their mistakes for their difference of opinion cause in the end they are just a person like you with family, with friends with lives and I guarantee you when they went into business they didn’t do it to take advantage of you or give you poor service or try to discriminate they just had a passion for what they loved to do and wanted to bring that passion to everyone else. So that brings me back to forgiveness. How willing are you to forgive and move forward and how willing are you to work hard to destroy someone for a mistake or a hurt that was imposed on you. When its all said and done if you destroyed their business or their lives do you really feel better? I encourage you to be forgiving and forgive the people who truly are trying to do their best. Sure there are always exceptions to the rule of people purposely being mean, but that’s not whom I am talking about. I am talking about you and me and all the people that surround us. Maybe is we forgive more, maybe if we love more, maybe the people of our nation just might have a chance.
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