A Recovering Perfectionist

Well I can say I am total guilty of being that perfectionist. I am not sure where along the line I became one but I know once I hit high school I felt a tremendous pressure to look a certain way, have certain things and be the best of everything I did so that I had value and worth. It doesn't help that I am super competitive. This is most likely how I ended up with a 7 page resume, a doctorate by the time I was 29 and more awards than you can count, because I wanted to be great! It never feels good to be bad at something or someone tell you you're not good enough to do something. It can be embarrassing and make you feel quite vulnerable. Especially if this is said or done in front of other people. And for me working in a male dominated world, I felt I had to prove something being the youngest and only woman, so I pushed even harder to be best and my male counterparts did not really like the overachiever Julie making them look bad. But I do have to say I am a recovering perf...