Rising from the Ashes "No matter what I say, what I believe I am bankrupt without love"
Are you living or just existing? Are you living an abundant life and if not what do you need to change to live that life? I heard someone once say the grass is greenest where you are watering it and that resonated with me. It doesn't matter where you are, you might think if I just move to a better house, better community, better state, better job, it will be better. But I can attest to you that's not true cause I tried that. The best place I have ever been is the place I made the best. Often people will view you in their lens on how they like you, but don't let those people tie you to their lens of how they want to see you because they want you to stay there. That's a mistake! Don't stay stuck where people put you. I learned that lesson long ago. I stopped letting people tell me where my place was and started making my own place in life and where I wanted to be. Some people have faith but no power. You want both! I have found the right way is never...