Is multi-tasking a Myth?
I teach a class where the first module always has students review
a video from a man about multi-tasking and how it is a myth and that people can’t
do this. I find this very hard to believe. Why because I am a time management
guru and I’ll just be honest as women who have regularly written on proven
research that women hold close to 70-90% of the household duties and as well as
their own work duties. So as a man is preaching to me in this video about
management he leaves out some key things like what do you do if you have a
child on your lap while trying to do your remote work or who helps with your
children while you have to do a conference call cause you can't afford to get a
babysitter. There are just many factors in the world we live in and the
multi-tasking that has to happen. How many of us women have had a baby in one
arm bouncing them while stirring a pot of cooking food and talking on the
phone. That is multi-tasking at its best and yes, we are doing it all at the
same time. My husband constantly has to remind me that many well most people
don't run at the pace I run and he says, I run at a superhuman pace running
multiple companies, teaching, making it to all my kid's sports, plays, and
making it home to throw together a meal but at the same time I have a system
that works for me and I think that is what we all have to do.
Now I do not want to minimize
anyone who needs to run at a much slower pace because you have to find what
works for you. I always preach be who you are and embrace it and I always say
embrace the good and not so great things about us. If we know what we are weak
in we can learn to set ourselves up for better success, it might be just saying
no to something that we know we are not going to do well at. For example, if
you are always late and someone wants you to be at an event and needs you to be
their early maybe that isn't the best thing for you if you can't get there on
It took some time for me to
accept my areas of weakness and realize I had to say no sometimes. It's a tough
thing for me to accept because I wanted to be everything and I wanted to be the
best at all of it. I had such plans to be that mom then reality hit.
is this cute movie I don't know how she does it, that I watched and thought wow
this movie gets me. I put this cute trailer in there for you all.
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