How to Negotiate as a Woman! Alright, ladies so when I talk about this, often people's minds go the movie Erin Brockovich done by Julia Roberts. I can't help but love and laugh about the outfits and her using her "womanly powers" to persuade men to do her bidding and her famous line "What makes you think you can just walk in there and take what you want? They're called boobs Ed." So am I saying let's pull an Erin Brockovich, no not at all? (Ok I may have used my "womanly powers" on a rare occasion, haven't we all?). Do women need to negotiate differently than men to see success, Yes! Just remember any bad deal you have ever gotten was because you agreed to it. As women, we already have some built-up stereotypes in us and in other people's minds, thanks to our fantastic societal culture. Studies show that the majority of the time women will not negotiate for themselves in just about any area. We have to first bre...