
Showing posts from October, 2018

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones my break my bones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Do you remember saying that as a kid? I do! And can I just say this is the most misleading quote ever? Guess what words do really hurt. I was reminded yesterday as I was viciously verbally accosted by someone. I have never seen such rage or meanness in a person, but there I was with my son holding my arm squeezing it because he was scared and myself wondering if this person was going to hurt me physically. The words they said couldn’t be more untrue. They cut through me like a knife because this person was attacking my character, my passion, my integrity and all while my 7-year-old son stood by me. I didn’t say a word but stared at  them thinking how do I get out of here and protect my son. This person finally left since I would not respond, but as my anger built up inside of me at how horrible this person was to me, I started to cry. It was all I could do because I was so angry. Ever been so ang...


Forgiveness, it seems to be in short supply lately. And don’t get me wrong I have definitely been an offender of not wanting to forgive and wanting to see the person who hurt me hurt. That was the young Julie. But I have gotten older my perspective has changed as I had to realize where people were at in their life, how their upbringing and experiences could make them the way they are. But as I have watched our country and the people within our country over the last couple years look like it is imploding with people who hate each other and just want to see each other hurt and can’t forgive and move forward. It saddens me; it drains our people, our country our nation. Today I was very much reminded of this as I dealt with a business situation. Business can be messy people is just can. There will always be something that goes wrong you can't be perfect even if your customers want you to, and for me this weekend I just happened to be out of town, and one of my employees screwed up r...