How to Negotiate Like a Woman not a Man

Confessions of a Working Mom Negotiation and conflict when I was younger always give me a stomach ache. As soon as someone would say I need to talk to you. I would sit there, go over and over in my mind...what did I do, what did I do wrong, then I would get called in to be told that I got the employee of the month award. And I would always think to myself why do I always go to the negative.? Why can't I see my worth? I would never think maybe they want to talk to me about the great job I am doing. The "what did I do wrong" mindset had to change. I started to look at myself and think, I am going to make myself a commodity they can't afford to lose. I started to look at myself as an expert and carry myself in that way. I walked into rooms like I owned them and once I changed that mindset; that I was worthy to sit at the table and experienced enough to not just sit at the table but run the table. You have to have this mentality if you are going to be able to negotiate an...