Big girls don't Cry!

This week I was reminded of one of the chapters in my Leading by my Ponytail book. It is called big girls don't cry. I had received a heartfelt letter from someone who read my latest book and was moved so much that so I started crying. I joked with my friends how I was becoming a sap as I got older. As I climbed my way up the ladder of success, I adapted the "act like a man, be like a man" mentality that meant don't be emotional, dress in black suits and do not cry. And I always saw this double standard when men leaders would tear up and cry, it would seen as endearing, but when women leaders cry they are considered weak. If men wear pink its trendy but if women wear pink they are not serious enough for the board room. Years ago as I was in mentality of act like a man in the workplace we were watching a woman politician talk and she started to tear up and cry as she talked about something passionate to her and a few moments later I hear one of the men say ...