Habits that move you to your authentic self

In my new book Authentically You, I talk about habits and how it takes 30 days to build a good habit. I also provide a 30-day guide to becoming more authentically you. So let's talk about habits and how they affect us. Ever since I started playing sports at the young age of 10, I started early on, learning about habits and routines. Each practice, I would do repetitive drills to learn the skill I needed. I had to get good grades in school to play sports, so I had a good routine of doing homework and studying each day. I wanted to be the best in my sport, so these habits continued all the way through college. And to get better and better at my sports or anything I was doing, I had to create good habits and routines. As I did this as a young girl, these habits transferred over to my adult life. When I talk about routines, I don't mean just having coffee every morning (which I do). But our habits will shape our present circumstances. To quote Ben Franklin, “Your net worth t...